Monday, June 14, 2010


Both Dragons and Shrek are doing okay at the box-office, not super-duper awesome great, but really good...
In fact I think we need to re-think our expectations of what our movies will make money-wise. I think the days with 120-million dollar opening weekend is gone....THAT said, if there is a movie out there to prove me wrong I think it would be ToysSory3...not that I'm a fan of these movies, but it looks awesome and the marketing has been really good. So lets bet :) I bet that ToyStory3 will make 82-million dollares on the opening weekend. People and claim to know it all'ers is probably laughing at me right now.......well we will see :)))

Crunch Time!!!!! no official order yet, but I'm guessing its coming....:))

Well I guess it's better to go crunching now when my family is leaving for Sweden. That way I keep my brain thinking of other stuff :/

But crunch also means that we are closing in to finish the movie, not that I long for it to finish, just that I really want to see my name on the credits in the theaters....I know it sounds silly, but that will definitely force me to tears..:)

Not sure what project that awaits me after MegaMind, actually I don't really care, cause all the project that are cooking at Dreamworks looks freaky amazing....

I'm hoping to get some vacation back home in old Sweden, not sure its going to work out though....but I hope to get a couple of weeks.....
Vacation here is not what I'm used to. I mean in Sweden we normally have 5 or more weeks a year, here its more like 2 weeks, if you are lucky :)))


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