Monday, July 27, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

okay. What I about a picPerMonth???

faceAday was a flopp, I lasted not longer than a frog in heavy traffic.
anyway....this is a character sketch I made of "Chuck", he is an office worker, not to bright, but very lovable..

Problem is that I really liked him at first, but then I started thinking that maybe his design is a bit to extreame....well you tell me?
click it to make it bigger..

and this is his evil friend "Barry"!'


Saturday, July 11, 2009

another one bites the dust

hmm...a bit muddy


faceAday -03

a bit bolder with the contrasts, kinda like it

thats it for tonight!


hmm....this sucked :-)

Colors, why do we need them, I hate them......shades of gray...thats all we need, right? .-/

well i promised myself to post everything, even the bad ones :-)



thought I should do one or so of these per day, for the rest of my life(or so). Could be fun to see what it takes me :-)) timeframe well I hope to keep them around 15-20min...

Now any comments are very welcome, may it be praise or tips I love them all .-)

first one: meet Bud....
