Friday, July 24, 2009

okay. What I about a picPerMonth???

faceAday was a flopp, I lasted not longer than a frog in heavy traffic.
anyway....this is a character sketch I made of "Chuck", he is an office worker, not to bright, but very lovable..

Problem is that I really liked him at first, but then I started thinking that maybe his design is a bit to extreame....well you tell me?
click it to make it bigger..

and this is his evil friend "Barry"!'



BrandonBeckstead said...

Wow man, I LOVE Chuck! Great contrast in proportions and shapes. Very appealing in my opinion!

blogbelly said...

I like your opinion :-))

well maybe I wont give up on poor Chucky then....hmm .-)


Henk said...

Wicked proportions! Great balance between detail and empty space. I would love to see this move.

blogbelly said...

I just have a bit of problem with his think his eyes are a bit to far from the mouth....could it be distracting, I mean animation wise....??
