Yes the title sounds dramatic, and it sure feels it :)
Just a couple of hour's ago I left my family at LAX. They are going home to Sweden for 8 weeks.... its crazy....I mean you chase the kids all day, screaming about this and that, then you are to tired to talk to your fantastic lovely wife and whoops suddenly they are gone and you cry like a baby.......I guess its all part in the "you got kids, and now clue" plan......:) I just would love to see and feel all these fantastic things when they are actually here :)) On that subject, here is where they are right as I'm writing :)
hopefully I will join them for the last couple of weeks, IF I get my vacation approved..:)
Okay I was wrong!!!
Toy story made more than 85million....actually a lot more, and people tell me that its fantastic, I guess I just have to add to that 109million open weekend and go see it .)))
Hats off to ya dudes at Pixar, but I will say this.....How to train a dragon will win an Oscar,....for sure.
Jag hoppas du kommer hit snart! Tänkte på dig när jag tog min(a) midsommar öl på terassen.
shit mannen..
har inte langtat hem alls tills nu nar min familj ar borta och du sitter o dricker midsommar detta ar forsta midsommar som jag INTE firar i svergie!!
damn it!!
annars da mannen, har du borjat pa ny jobbet an??
Nej jag är ju hemma o tar hand om nya bebben! :) Börjar jobba 1:a augusti.
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