Sunday, February 7, 2010

Launched on my first shoot

Yes, tomorrow I will be launched on my first sequence on MegaMind. So I'm quite exited.

Now to something really important:

Yea I finally found the lingon-berries. So finally my meatballs have there favorite sidekick.

I also watched the SuperBowle today. The Colts lost to the Saints, which is good cause I was routing for the Saints. Congrats New Orleans :)))))
But really the only reason to why I watch the game is then I can eat this tasty things:)

So now I'm hoping that LA Kings will take the Stanley cup and that my hockeyTeam back in Sweden, Brynas!! will win Elitserien(Swedish national league)

well I get back to you about how my sequence will unfold...

be careful out there....:)


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