Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dreamworks top 10

Dreamworks have gone from a last year 46th place to a stunning 6th placement in the fortune top 100 places to work for. All I can say is that I agree. I quote Jeffrey Katzenberg here "We are number one the world just doesn't know it yet" He said that with a smile on his face, but I must say that he is more close to the truth than he may think. Dreamworks is without a doubt one of the best places to spend your working hours at. I hope I will spend many of those in the future to come..

A tips for all you folks out there, look out for the new "how to train your dragon" trailer. Its awsome :))
And look at this.

That is a great looking poster, those far-east designers know there stuff:) I bet you that you would never see something like that in USA, to little action. :/

Now to something completly diffrent..
Carlos Baena is one of the best animator in the world. Never meet him but he seems to be a very nice guy. Not only is he a superb animator he is also a fingerboard master. yes you heard me, FINGERBOARDING. Well i never heard about it until today either :))
I dont now if Carlos invented this, but he rocks at it, enjoy :))


Carlos | MySpace Video


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