Monday, August 10, 2009

Pro active guy will take Dreamworks one to two weeks to decide if I'm in or out...
I'm not a gambelieng guy , I just try make the game turn into my advantage...

so this is the first of a (X) miniparts series of ideas to get in to Dreamworks Animation
First one: the "blame it on the cleaning lady" ....well its starts with me getting a "NO we hate you Tommie" letter from I just rush down to CA, meet up with some DW frineds of mine. With some doubtful planning we probably would get a hold of the cleaning lady's adress. she would be the last to be cleaning the "submission room". Then we, the "doubtful forecee", would make her, by means not known to man, to tell the code to the "sub room". After that its just a switch from "send this Swedish dude to hell" to, "I love this kid, hire him, why the hell didn't we hire everyone in Sweden", and we live happy all after......well at least me :-))

thats Plan one.......keep posted for more plans(IF needed...mooahahhaa)


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