Sunday, December 7, 2008

was up?

Well I have been putting my creative fingers in a lot of different soups lately, I just hope I haven't destroyed any(or all) of them :-)

We are in the finishing phase of the "Melvin" Short. I have been working on this as a animation supervisor, with a talented "off-working hours" team. Very proud of them all, I think they have and are doing a great job. Its not easy to push a full working day and then come home to my stupid comments every night:-)
If you haven't seen the first trailer take a look here:

Melvin (Work in progress) from Magnus Holmgren on Vimeo.

A part from that I have been busy writing. Primarily on my comic book, which seems to be that kinda of a project that grows longer the more you work on it:-)
I will try to post as much stuff on that as possible, would love to get your comments on it..i wont post the story, cause then you won't buy the comics:-))))

Talking to people about a second shortfilm, and if everything falls into place it will be a great project to work on. Not to unbelievably to see the progress of the project here on this blog if it ever gets realized.

well thats it, see Ya next week

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