Wednesday, November 26, 2008

One giant fall in the right direction

I must say, this is one of the best trailers for a 3D movie I have watched lately....its more a shortfilm I know, but maybe that's my point. Trailers are growing more and more boring, why I don't know? I guess there is and maybe have to be a preset to how to cut a trailer these days and that mixed with the amount of trailers hitting our brains is the perfect recipe for boring results..



Ewgene said...

Hi, Blogbelly! Interestig blog! In your profile, I read that you an animator. But why don't you post your own works here? And where are you working? Is it any animation studio in Sweden?

blogbelly said...

Will do, soon :-) (I hope:-))

I work as an freelancer so I go around looking for work from whomever wants to give me any :-)
