Friday, November 7, 2008

Swoosch another week gone?

So what happend this week, well a part of Obamas victory not much. Glad he won though:-)

Been writing a lot lately, thats fun, haven't really struck lucky with the words yet, My stories always seems to end with a massive battle with orches and nights, and you don't need to throw in a ring in that story to feel its been done already :-)

Being spinning numbers around concerning budgeting for a 3D feature film and if anyone out there have any links or anything that might help me I would be very happy, cause my two braincells are really confused and are probably thinking of bailing out considering the headache its given me:-)

To me RENDER is the problem, animation and administration is farily easy to estimate, RENDER is not, at least not to me :-)

Well thats it

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