Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ouch!! 110 degrees!!!

Yesterday the temperature hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 Celsius). The heat wave had its center in downtown LA that had a breasing 113 degrees :)

Have to say that my body is not built for this extreme weather....come to think of it my body isn't really built for anything but watching American football and drinking beer, everything else is a struggle :))

speaking of football, one of my biggest problems right now is to choose the team that I will give my unconditional love to. First I was thinking of Minnesota Vikings, I mean Minnesota is the Swedish safe Haven here in US, but unfortunately there jerseys is PURPLE. I hate purple. I mean Vikings in purple what where they thinking?? :)
So I started to look locally and the weird thing is that LA doesn't have there own football team, but back in the day they had The chargers and there jerseys are navy blue and yellow....works better for me.

so I guess I'm a Chargers fan...... go chargers!!! :))


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