Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Frank and Ollie

At lunch Dreamworks had one of its many wonderful seminars . Ted Thomas was here, he is the son of Frank Thomas (Frank and Ollie).

It was awesome to hear about what went on behind the scenes at Disney when it all began, how stuff was really done :) But even more so was the stories only a son could tell.

Jim Baxter how was co-piloting this talk said something very memorable. He said that these guys (referring to Frank and Ollie and the whole "9 old men" :) really invented animation and that we, as animators today,  have the privilege to stand on there shoulders.  This is something that I never thought about. It never really crossed my mind that animation, at least the type of animation I love to do, is actually not that old, and we should be vary grateful for these men that more or less started the whole thing.  We should also aspire to take animation even further. I for one will admit that I get lost sometimes in the technology and deadlines, but "talk's" like this really takes you back to the roots and reasons to why you do what you do..... cause its hard work :)

there was some awesome pencil test from my favorite movie Bernard and Bianca, and hearing how those scenes was made and what it took to make it meant a great deal to me...

thanks Ted :)

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