Monday, July 12, 2010

hats of to pixar

Yes I admit it, I was wrong....Toy Story 3 made a bundle of money.....haven't seen the flick yet but people tell me that its fantastic..
"Despicable me" is doing really good, and it looks awesome...haven't seen that since I started working on films I don't watch them anymore....weird!! :)
Same thing happen when I went working on Games..hmm..I guess line cooks wont run home to make a omelette either :)))

Just finishing of animation on MegaMind it's weird....cant wait to get to the theater and see my name in the credits...yes its a bit immature, but for those who knows me, maturity has never been my strong side :))

Hopefully I will get my vacation approved and then I'm off to Sweden for a couple of weeks, so to all the dudes and dudetts, put your "bar-Faces" on cause I'm plan to hit the bars with great commitment:))


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