Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hi there...just a little update on my never ending shortfilm :-)
Here is the first thumbnail of my characters favorite truck stop.

I think the whole story will be in this facility, it sounds strange but I haven't actually nailed down the story yet...Its Backwards I know, but better doing it this way than not doing it at all :-)



Henk said...

Hey man, bounced on your blog after seeing the bee with the leaf animation you did. Loved it.

Anyway, story and backwards is ok. At least, anything that stops you from getting stuck is helpfull. So heck, if you need to rig the feet first to get to your story, go get em. :]

blogbelly said...

haha thanks Henk! I do agree, on projects like this where there is no deadlines, one just cant stop, so rigging the feet first may seem weird at first but in the end it keeps the ball roling :-))
