Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Been dabbling around with some concepts for a shortfilm that I really would like to do, it's one of those projects that never seems to get anywhere :-)
But when my good friend Sven Juhlin used my concept:

And made this beautiful 3D sketch:

I saw some light in the ever so dark personal project tunnel :-)

Sven is one of the best modeler I have ever seen, I cant thank him enough for doing this for me, now I just have to finish my concept design before he gets picked up and shipped overseas to the big studios :-)

Anyway, I got really inspired to continue this never ending project. So I'm dead set on finishing this model and make a little animation test. I will keep updating this right here on my blog, so feel free to post any comments and stuff...



Anonymous said...

looks awesome my friend! the concept and model makes me want to animate him too :)

Anonymous said...

ser as shysst ut, hoppas du får tummen ur och går nått coolt med det.

/Meindbender Calle